| 1. | The mantaweb sample includes the following features Mantaweb示例包括下列功能: |
| 2. | Html server controls offer the following features Html服务器控件提供以下功能: |
| 3. | Run the sample and try out the following features 运行此示例并尝试下面的功能。 |
| 4. | The following features are available in this release 此版本中提供了以下功能: |
| 5. | Active directory includes the following features Activedirectory包括下列功能: |
| 6. | The two model documents contain the following features 标准按揭文件具有以下特点: |
| 7. | You can add the following features to packages 您可以将下列功能添加到包中: |
| 8. | Jinque s encryption card bears the following features 金雀加密卡的特点: |
| 9. | The following features have been added to atl for devices 设备的atl中添加了以下功能: |
| 10. | The following features are not supported in visual j 下列功能在visual j #中不受支持: |